





Felice Clemente | soprano and tenor saxophones
Javier Pérez Forte | classical guitar

The Jazz World mingles with Argentinian Tango and Latin American folklore. The colourful regions of the North of Argentina, and the green lands of nostalgic Brasilians.. The black rhythms of Argentinian “Milonga” greet their “Northern American brothers” .. Astor Piazzolla’s Buenos Aires.. The extrovert generous communicative Southern verve… The pressing rhythms, the intimacy of a pure melody.. Sounds that evoke open skies, great distances, and generations of men travelling with their music..
Latin American rhythms, the fascination of Latin melodies (tango included) and the significant personal contribution of the musicians are the main qualities of the repertoire. Jazz spirit and Latin American folklore are integrated with compositions presented in their simplicity and purity. Musical arrangements and improvisation are characterized by originality and a strong communicative vein.


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