

Felice Clemente  | sax
Xavier Davis  | piano
Valerio Della Fonte | double-bass
Quincy Davis
| drums

“Live” Liner Notes by Franco D’Andrea:

“What particularly impressed me about this live show was the clear perception of the joy of playing together emanating from the musicians, a natural connection that emerges directly from emotions and ends up in notes, timbres, dynamics, rhythms. All this generates a warm, sunny music, characterized by a flowing “interplay” and a relaxed swing, which reminds me a bit of the spirit of some of those beautiful things created by Horace Silver in the ’50s. Felice’s sound is very nice, with a special timbre and a nice handling of poise, vibrato, articulation and dynamics. Ultimately, the musicians are doing a great job and proving to be experienced and imaginative”.


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