





FELICE CLEMENTE, Soprano & Tenor saxophones, Clarinet
JAVIER PÉREZ FORTE, classical guitar

Evolución is a CD that celebrates ten years of our duo.

Ten years, three CDs, hundreds of concerts and the search for our musical language and poetry. Until now, our journey has led us to understand that evolution of our language is natural. As the metaphor of the person who walks for years, and, looking back, notices with satisfaction that each step is different from the next; moving on for the simple pleasure of going forwards, finding new paths, breathing in the air in fresh new places.

“Wanderer, there is no path. Make your way  by walking” sang Antonio Machado. Our path has led us to the edges of a new space which has continuously given us moments of wonder and discovery, and we hope that our listeners can live the same experience whilst crossing our new space, in our mixing of the musical styles that we love the most.

In respect to our other titles – Escaleras and Aire Libre; Evolución is different. We are not the same so our music is different. Our own compositions along with our arrangements of standards are impregnated with our soul in this moment. The attempt to classify styles and genres of music means that our duo is considered “difficult” to classify. We prefer not to classify, but to leave the listener the freedom to travel with the music.

This is the testimony to a friendship that has lasted for years.

Liner notes by Felice Clemente, Javier Pérez Forte


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